Set A Place At Your Table | Justin Bieber |

Set A Place At Your Table

Testo Set A Place At Your Table

Things seemed strange this morning
As I packed my bag for school
The smiles I‘m used to seeing just weren‘t there
I heard my father talking
To my mother down the hallway
Above the whispers all that I could hear... was

Set a place at the table for someone who might need it
Set a place at the table for someone to sit down and eat
Kick their shoes off, put their feet up
Forget about their troubles for awhile
When there‘s a place at your table
There‘s a little hope for you and i

I was feeling kinda‘ helpless
About the words that I just heard
Could it be the family 2 doors down?
They said a couple months of bad luck
Had them up against the wall
And though it may seem small
I know there‘s somethin‘ I can do


Make room at your table for your friends and family
Take the time to share your day, just laugh talk and eat


...there‘s a little hope for you and I

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