Set Me Free (Remotivate Me) | Depeche Mode |

Set Me Free (Remotivate Me)

Testo Set Me Free (Remotivate Me)

Set me free
Set me free
Remotivate me
Set me burning
After years in deep freeze
My body is yearning
For a new lease of life
And a little spice
Set me free
Remotivate me
Give me a reason
To scream and shout
Give me something
To get excited about
When everything is looking dull
I‘m sure it isn‘t impossible to
Set me free
Remotivate me
Remotivate me
Set me burning
After years in deep freeze
My body is yearning
For a new lease of life
And a little spice
Set me free
Remotivate me
Don‘t think I‘m impatient
Because I‘m willing to wait
But something must must happen
Before it gets too late
It could be my imagination
But wasn‘t there more than this dull sensation
Set me free
Remotivate me

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