Have Mercy Judge | Chuck Berry | Supertesti.it

Have Mercy Judge

Testo Have Mercy Judge

Have mercy, I‘m in a world of trouble nowI‘m being held by the State PatrolI am charged with traffic of the forbiddenAnd I almost finished doing my paroleNow, I‘m on my way back down townSomebody help me, have mercy on my soulI go to court tomorrow morningAnd I got the same judge I had beforeLord, I know he won‘t have no mercy on me‘Cause he told me not to come back no moreHe‘ll send me away to some stoney mansionIn a lonely room and lock the doorOw! Have mercy on my little TulaneShe‘s too alive to try to live aloneAnd I know her needsAnd although she loves meShe‘s gonna try to make itWhile the poor boy‘s goneSomebody should tell her to liveAnd I‘ll understand itAnd even love her moreWhen I come back home

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