Karma | Mahmood | Supertesti.it


Testo Karma

Sai che ti farei
Ma c'è il coprifuoco dalle sei
Mi si sono rotte le Buffalo
Correndo per arrivare al Louvre
Da te, ma non c'eri più
Sai che mi hanno messo le manette
Per un poco d'erba, ho mentito un po'
Mi scusi, non ho voce
Je ne parle pas français
Everything's so clear, ooh
Baby, I believe in karma
You can keep your greed, ooh
And my Kawasaki sweater
Even if you get me high, I can't let you damage my heart, ooh
Don't tell me that you are sorry 'cause I am to blame too

Tell me, do you love me like I do?
You are right, I wasn't really here for you
I left tired and confused
But Paris will never be as good as you
Why is it so hard to silence this attraction?
To separate sex and emotion
In your mind, your mind, your mind
I lied, you lied, we lied

Everything's so clear, ooh
Baby, I believe in karma
You can keep your greed, ooh
And my Kawasaki sweaterEven if you get me high, I can't let you damage my heart, ooh
Don't tell me that you are sorry 'cause I am to blame too

Baby, I believe in karma, karma
You know I don't need drama, drama
Let me put your number on the call block
Please don't try to call my mama, mama
Baby, I believe in karma, karma
You know I don't need drama, drama
Let me put your number on the call block
Please don't try to call my mama, mama

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