Bank Robber Man | Lenny Kravitz |

Bank Robber Man

Testo Bank Robber Man

I was walking down the street todayJust as somebody blew the doors off of the B of AJust then I head them call my nameAs I was thrown against the car I was being framedAll units we‘ve got our manWe‘ve got the bank robber manWe don‘t need no reasonYou‘re going in the canYou look like the bank robber manI think you misunderstandDo you think that I am the one that did itJust because I‘m tan? Just then the officer at hand said"I don‘t give a damn that you are in a rock and roll band"All units we‘ve got our manWe‘ve got the bank robber manWe don‘t need no reasonYou‘re going in the canYou look like the bank robber manJust tell me what‘s going on?Can you tell me what I did wrong?Does busting me make you feel strong?Make you feel strongAll units we‘ve got our manWe‘ve got the bank robber manWe don‘t need no reasonYou‘re going in the canYou look like the bank robber manBank robber manBank robber manBank robber manBank robber manBank robber man

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