Can We Find A Reason ? | Lenny Kravitz |

Can We Find A Reason ?

Testo Can We Find A Reason ?

Is there anyone out there
Willing to try ?
Or are we satisfied with just getting by ?

We‘ve hurt mother nature
Can‘t you see her she‘s crying
We‘ve robbed and we‘ve raped her and taken her child

[Répétition] :
And oh oh oh can we find a reason ?
Just think about it
And oh oh oh can we find a reason
To live another season ?

We‘re fighting more battles
Everyday we‘re alive
We should be rejoicing
But instead we cry

This world‘s so polluted
You would think we were blind
We poison our children
Before they‘re defined



Excuse me for saying
‘Cause I‘ve never been shy
But if we don‘t stop this
We sho‘nuff goin‘ die

Yes I hope we can make it
‘Cause this river‘s run dry
Now our only battle
Will be to survive, hey


Yeah it‘s the new millennium

Yeah yeah yeah
Can we find a reason
To live another season ?

And oh oh oh can we find a reason ?
To live another season ?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah...
It‘s the new millennium
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah...
Can we find a reason
To live another season ?

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