I Want To Go Home | Lenny Kravitz | Supertesti.it

I Want To Go Home

Testo I Want To Go Home

Will I make it out of here alive
Will I ever get to see my unborn child
Will I ever get to live my own dreams
Cause this hell where I am now just ain‘t for me
If I could just kiss you goodnight...oh

I wanna, I wanna go home
I just wanna get along with my life
I wanna...i wanna go home
I just wanna get along with my life

Will I have to take a life does that make peace
They say it‘s in the name of god that I‘m a beast
I don‘t wanna stay out here another day...oh
I‘m just trying to get back home in any way
How I miss all the good times...ya ya

I wanna...I wanna go home
I just wanna get along with my life
I wanna...I wanna go home
I just wanna get along with my life

I wanna...I wanna go home
I just wanna get along with my life
I wanna...i wanna go home
I just wanna get along with my life
I wanna...I wanna go home
I just wanna get along with my life...oh
I wanna (I wanna be)...I wanna go home (I wanna be)
I just wanna get along (oh) with my life

I wanna go home
I wanna get along with my life
I wanna go home
I wanna get along with my life
I...I miss you babe

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