Sweet Gitchey Rose | Lenny Kravitz | Supertesti.it

Sweet Gitchey Rose

Testo Sweet Gitchey Rose

Everybody has moral eyes
All they do is stare
She has a good trench,
A good smile
And invited me to dance

She took my hand and led me to her lap
Her smell filled the human air
Right there I have my share

Sweet gitchey rose
Sweet gitchey rose
Sweet gitchey rose
Sweet gitchey rose

I had a plan to steal her heart
And be her only man
I buy her things, find her a home
Where she can rest her wings

But all he wants to do is fly
She doesn‘t stop to ask a question, why?
One day she leaves
With no goodbye

Sweet gitchey rose
Sweet gitchey rose
Sweet gitchey rose
Sweet gitchey rose

I wonder if she could ever be my queen
Her love may only be a routine
You‘ve got to let a brother dream

Sweet gitchey rose
Sweet gitchey rose
Sweet gitchey rose
Sweet gitchey rose

Sweet gitchey rose
Sweet gitchey rose
Sweet gitchey rose
Sweet gitchey rose
Sweet gitchey rose

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