The Majority | Lenny Kravitz |

The Majority

Testo The Majority

You call me the mean man
You point your finger at me
Having problems with authority
In every major city

And it‘s so easy for you
The majority, the majority
And there‘s no peace for you
The majority

Your white housewives
And your money-sucking friends
Don‘t need you to be I‘ll be me to the end

And it‘s so easy for you
The majority, the majority
And there‘s no peace for you

You got to think about your children
Fuck bureaucracy
Take the weight off your shoulders
We‘re not the public enemy
Can‘t you see, can‘t you see

You call me the mean man
I say you call me the mean man

And it‘s so easy for you
The majority, the majority
And there‘s no peace for you

Your white housewives
And your money-sucking friends
Don‘t need your to be
Cause I‘ll be me to the end

Got to think about the children
Think think about the children

You got to think about the children

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