You Were In My Heart | Lenny Kravitz |

You Were In My Heart

Testo You Were In My Heart

I want to be a better manLord knows that I‘m tryingI want to keep the master‘s planBut sometimes things get wildDemons sleep with me in bedI can feel their fireWhen darkness gets around my headSometimes I go blindBut you were in my heartWhile the evil eye was searching out was staring at meBut you were in my heartWhile the maids of doom, were reaching out and tempting meThe world can give you everythingAnything you wantMoney, fameAnd all it bringsWhatever turns you onBut your bloods running through my veinsAnd I am standing tallBut even though you took my placeYou are somehow bound to fallBut you were in my heartWhile the evil eye was searching out was staring at meBut you were in my heartWhile the maids of doom, were reaching out and tempting meBut you were in my heartWhile the evil eye was searching out was staring at meBut you were in my heartWhile the maids of doom, were reaching out and tempting meBut you were in my heartWhile the evil eye was searching out was staring at meBut you were in my heartWhile the maids of doom, were reaching out and tempting meBut you were in my heartWhile the evil eye was searching out was staring at meBut you were in my heartWhile the maids of doom, were reaching out and tempting meBut you were in my heartWhile the evil eye was searching out was staring at meBut you were in my heartWhile the maids of doom, were reaching out and tempting meBut you were in my heartWhile the evil eye was searching out was staring at meBut you were in my heartWhile the maids of doom, were reaching out and tempting meBut you were in my heartWhile the evil eye was searching out was staring at meBut you were in my heartWhile the maids of doom, were reaching out and tempting me

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