T.R.A.P.P.E.D. | Melancholia | Supertesti.it


Testo T.R.A.P.P.E.D.

I feel trapped a lot
i’ve lived a lot
i live to leave
this world of thoughts
this world that wants
to live alone
but doesn't permit
to live alone
i stand too much
i want to scream
turn off the sound
i can't live out loud
i’m talking about
how fearless you are
instead of remaining
i’m falling apart
and i’m afraid
i live in this trap

I feel T.R.A.P.P.E.D.
you're beating me down
i feel T.R.A.P.P.E.D.
you bury me now
i feel T.R.A.P.P.E.D.
and i don't know how
i feel T.R.A.P.P.E.D.
escape from this town

What’s happiness?
i don’t know
it’s a confortable seat
for my sorrow
a hand for the peace
in this global war
i see that it’s sick
but they want more
and i sit
i’m not doing anything
do you feel anything?
now they’ve everything
it’s our fault for the shit that’s happening
we could change but they’re always listening
and i write silly poems to frighten their
perfect system that you will always fear
But sit and dance with me
Sit and eat with me
Cause that's they want to see
We don't believe in anything

And i don't feel
And you don't feel
Anything at all

We're all brainwashed

And I feel I'm T. R. A. P. P. E.D
I'm trapped in my mind

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