Damn Your Eyes | Noemi | Supertesti.it

Damn Your Eyes

Testo Damn Your Eyes

I can do what I want
I‘m in complete control
That‘s what I tell myself
I got a mind of my own
I‘ll be alright alone
Don‘t need anybody else
I gave myself a good talkin‘ to
No more bein‘ a fool for you
And when I see you all I remember
Is how you make me wanna surrender


Damn your eyes
For takin‘ my breath away
Makin‘ me wanna stay
Damn your eyes
For getting my hopes up high
Makin‘ me fall in love again
Damn your eyes

It‘s always the same
You say that you‘ll change
Some how you never do
I believe all your lies
Look in your eyes
You make it all seem true

I guess I see what I wanna see
Or is my heart just deceiving me
And with that look I know so well
I fall completely under your spell

(repeat chorus)

You came deliberately deceiving me
Makin‘ me see what I wanna see

(repeat chorus)

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