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I ran away in floods of shame
I‘ll never tell how close I came
As I cross the Holland road
You went left and I went right
As the moon hung proud and white
You would of loved it here tonight

Spin me round just to pin me down
On the cover of this strange bed
Spin me round just to pin me dowm

Roll out your questions keep them down
Let the water lead us home
And I was sorry for what I‘d done

You were young I was not old
But our story was not told
But torn apart by greedy hands

Spin me round just to pin me down
On the cover of this strange bed
spin me round just to pin me down

Spin me round just to pin me down
I‘ll be gone by the nights end
Spin me round just to pin me down

But I‘ll be home in a little while
Lover I‘ll be home
And I‘ll be home in a little while
Lover I‘ll be home

And I‘ll be home in a little while
Lover I‘ll be home
And I‘ll be homw in a little while
Lover I‘ll be home

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