New Kiss | Elisa |

New Kiss

Testo New Kiss

I don‘t wanna hear another plastic love song and I
don‘t need no more triviality
‘cause I know there is more
that love could be.

But you know that‘s not to say
that I know just what I want out of life
it doesn‘t mean that I feel hopeful every day I‘m alive
But when you smile at me I felt many things, like lust and fears and dreams.

And though it could hurt I‘ve gotta try it anyway
when the door is flung wide open you don‘t stay
inside your room all day
you go where there‘s a chance of losing the awful empty lie
that it‘s better not to need any one
than to take the crazy uncertain ride

And it‘s a new kiss and I‘m flying out there
a great kiss and I‘m crying in the street
it‘s a killer kiss under a friendly rain
hear me now, sell me joy and pain
but at the best price you can.

I don‘t know much more than your first name but I
might stick around ‘til know everything
because who we could be remains to be seen
(is it the joke or the dream?)

And I like the new beginning, the slow show and tell
sometimes I think the expectation is sweeter than the love itself
it‘s alright, I gonna take my time, I‘m gonna take your mystery
you don‘t know it‘s simple, don‘t you try to ignore
take your freedom when you‘re given the key

Like a new kiss and I‘m flying out there
a great kiss and I‘m crying in the street
it‘s a killer kiss under a friendly rain
hear me now, sell me joy and pain
but at the best price you can.

Playlist Spotify

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