Stay | Elisa |


Testo Stay

You did not dare say a single wordI did not dare ask for something moreI‘ve kept my questions secret deep insideBut I wish I could have let you know aboutA time when I would have saidWait, and please stayDid you mean to push me away?Please wait and just stayDid you want it to be this way?Would you want to know what I‘ve been through?(Through all this time... all this time)Would you want to know I have missed you too(And I have you on my mind)And you‘ve been and you will be a part of me(That I can‘t find)And you‘ve been forgiven for your silenceAll this time when I would have saidWait, and please stayDid you mean to push me away?Please wait and just sayIs there a way that could replaceThe times you never saidHow‘ve you been?Do you need anything?Want you to know I‘m here?Want you to feel me near?Yeah...and I hopeI hope that you will find your wayYeah...and I hopeI hope there will be better daysPlease wait, and just stay(Please stay)Did you mean to push me away?Please wait, and just stay(Wait, just stay)Did you want it to be this way?Wait, please say(Yeah, and I hope)I hope that you will find your wayPlease wait, and just stay(Wait, and I hope)I hope there will be better daysHey hey...Hey hey...Hey, hey... WaitPlease stayJust stayPlease wait

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