Tell Me | Elisa |

Tell Me

Testo Tell Me

Tell me who you are now what you‘re waiting for,
will you be the same after you‘ve gone through every door
teach me how to play your game and whatcha wanna be
will recognize me when you‘ve lost your honesty.

Tell me you‘ll be happy once you‘ll leave us all behind
tell me about the kingdom you‘ve been building in your mind
never really living is a lonely way to go
will you ever understand, there‘s more than what you know.

Tell me who you‘ll be tomorrow
where will you keep all your sorrow.
Tell me who you‘ll be tomorrow
where will you keep all your sorrow.

Can I talk to you and will you listen, will you see
I‘ll only take an hour of your precious misery
I‘ve been watching you and now I‘m gonna tell you why
I don‘t think your way of life can take you very high.

Tell me who you‘ll be tomorrow
where will you keep all your sorrow.
Tell me who you‘ll be tomorrow
where will you keep all your sorrow.

Who will hold your hand, who will miss you when you‘re gone
don‘t you understand, I‘m telling you
who will ease your pain, who will love you all alone
come out of the rain.

And maybe there is something you can show me,
maybe not
and maybe your cold silence is the best thing that you‘ve ever given me.

Tell me who you‘ll be tomorrow
where will you keep all your sorrow.
Tell me who you‘ll be tomorrow
where will you keep all your sorrow.

Who will hold your hand, who will miss you when you‘re gone
don‘t you understand, I‘m telling you
who will ease your pain, who will love you all alone
come out of the rain.

And maybe there is something you can show me,
maybe not
and maybe your cold silence is the best thing that you‘ve ever given me.

Will you ever understand there‘s more than that you know

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