One Last Mistake | LP |

One Last Mistake

Testo One Last Mistake

Hey, on the rise again, there‘s a road
Saturday‘s on the run, but hey, I see somebody on the road
Dreams are all I own, I guess I should go
Love is the shadow of loneliness and Lord, I‘ve been alone

I feel with base, here I go
Yeah, your buddy is calling my name

So one last mistake (I mean to change)
So one last mistake (the hardest step is always love, I guess)
(Time to start again) It‘s already started again
So one last mistake (the hardest step is always love, when it ends)

Hey, fool, long time I spent, long stories
Am I destined to be desolate?
Feel the ? to be wrong

I feel with base, here I go
Yeah, your buddy is calling my name

So one last mistake (I mean to change)
So one last mistake (the hardest step is always love, I guess)
(Time to start again) It‘s already started again
So one last mistake (the hardest step is always love, when it ends)

When ? I don‘t know how you can drink this stuff
A little case of love, just some love, yea you know you hit the hardest stuff
So one last mistake

(I mean to change)
So one last mistake (the hardest step is always love, I guess)
(Time to start again) It‘s already started again
So one last mistake (the hardest step is always love, when it ends)

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