Magic | LP |


Testo Magic

We paid our dues no lust for fame
When tides get turned
They know your name
When all of you were fast asleep
We made ourselves the ones to beat, aaah

We were down on our knees
We were so close to defeat

Heard a chant, grab your hand
One thing I'll never understand
It was magic, magic, hoooo
Skies are blue, fields are green
And the crowd was deafening
Out of breath, holding in
But still we found our way to win
It was magic, magic hooo

We run for love we run through hurt
But Gods conspire our fall to earth
But not before we light the flame
And feed our hunger for the game, aaah

We were down on our knees We were so close to defeat
Heard a chant, grab your hand
One thing I'll never understand
It was magic, magic, hoooo
Skies are blue, fields are green
And the crowd was deafening
Out of breath, holding in?
But still we found our way to win
It was magic, magic hooo

Aaaah, our blood will run together
And we won’t no surrender, ooh

We were down on our knees
We were so close to defeat
Heard a chant, grab your hand
One thing I’ll never understand
It was magic, magic, hoooo
Skies are blue, fields are green
And the crowd was deafening
Out of breath, holding in
But still we found our way to win
It was magic, magic hooo

Playlist Spotify

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