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Informazioni Ace | 0 Fan!
Nome: Martin
Cognome: Kent
Età: 57 anni
Segno Zodiacale: Ariete
Data Nascita: 30-03-1967
Luogo Nascita: Cheltenham
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Genere Musicale

- Alternative rock - Indie rock - Alternative metal - Pop rock


- Chitarra - Cori

Brani del Gruppo Skunk Anansie

Anno di pubblicazione 2016
1. I'll Let You Down
2. Victim
3. Beauty Is Your Curse
4. Death To The Lovers
5. In The Back Room
6. Bullets
7. That Sinking Feeling
8. Without You
9. Suckers!
10. We Are The Flames
11. Love Someone Else

Black Traffic
Anno di pubblicazione 2012
1. Diving Down
2. Sad Sad Sad
3. Spit You Out
4. I Hope You Get To Meet Your Hero
5. I Believed In You
6. Satisfied
7. Our Summer Kills The Sun
8. Drowning
9. This Is Not A Game
10. Sticky Fingers In Your Honey
11. I Will Break You

Anno di pubblicazione 2010
1. You Saved Me
2. You Can't Always Do What You Like
3. Feeling The Itch
4. God Loves Only You
5. My Ugly Boy
6. Over The Love
7. Talk Too Much
8. The Sweetest Thing
9. It Doesn't Matter
10. You're Too Expensive
11. My Love Will Fall
12. I Will Stay But You Should Leave

Smashes And Trashes
Anno di pubblicazione 2009
1. Charlie Big Potato
2. Charity
3. Selling Jesus
4. Lately, I Try To Smoke Alone
5. Squander
6. Twisted (Everyday Hurts)
7. Brazen (Weep)
8. All I Want
9. Because Of You
10. Secretly
11. Weak
12. Tear The Place Up
13. Hedonism (Just Because You Feel Good)
14. I Can Dream
15. You'll Follow Me Down

Post Orgasmic Chill
Anno di pubblicazione 1999
1. Charlie Big Potato
2. And This Is Nothing That I Thought I Had
3. You'll Follow Me Down
4. Cheap Honesty
5. Good Things Don't Always Come To You
6. Secretly
7. Lately, I Try To Smoke Alone
8. The Skank Heads (Get Off Me)
9. Tracy's Flaw
10. We Don't Need Who You Think You Are
11. On My Hotel TV
12. I'm Not Afraid

Anno di pubblicazione 1997
1. Glorious Pop Song
2. Brazen (Weep)
3. We Love Your Apathy
4. Twisted (Everyday Hurts)
5. Hedonism (Just Because You Feel Good)
6. Infidelity (Only You)
7. She's My Heroine
8. All I Want
9. Yes It's Fucking Political
10. Milk Is My Sugar
11. Pickin On Me

Paranoid & Sunburnt
Anno di pubblicazione 1995
1. It Takes Blood & Guts To Be This Cool, But I'm Sti...
2. I Can Dream
3. Little Baby Swastikkka
4. All In The Name Of Pity
5. Charity
6. Weak
7. And Here I Stand
8. 100 Ways To Be A Good Girl
9. Rise Up
10. Selling Jesus

*In rosso i testi non disponibili

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