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Informazioni Hellberg | 0 Fan!

Età: 29 anni
Segno Zodiacale: Leone
Data Nascita: 12-08-1994
Luogo Nascita: Stoccolma
Un suo video su youtube

Born and raised in Stockholm, Hellberg’s love for music started at the tender age of 3, when he first began his one-man-shows for his family on his imaginary guitar. By the age of 13, he was introduced to the world of electronic music. Since that early discovery, Hellberg decided to fully commit to his music. It has been his number one priority since.

Looking back at it, Hellberg remembers spending countless hours in front of the computer grinding on his craft. By always prioritizing his music, he missed out on more social events, parties and family events than he cares to remember.

After many years of hard work, Hellberg reached an important milestone in his career with his single “The Girl”, Featuring Cozi Zuehlsdorff, which was the first single of his EP, titled “This Is Me”.

The single saw fantastic results as it was Monstercat’s most streamed track of 2015, totaling more than 12 million streams. The EP was the start of a new chapter for Hellberg, as it set the tone for Hellberg’s evolved sound.

Hellberg’s unbelievable work ethic and his astonishing dedication to his craft pushes him to always outdo himself, he does everything in his power to always deliver music that he feels and believes is a true testimony of his love for music.

Come e dove seguire l'artista Hellberg

Genere Musicale

- Dance


- DJ


Headlights (Madison Mars Remix)
Giorno di pubblicazione 25-01-2019 (Singolo)
1. Headlights

*In rosso i testi non disponibili

Playlist Spotify

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